Anika Riopel

Why I’m Running!

First, I love the North End - It’s a vibrant neighbourhood, with great people, wonderful community orgs, and innovative local businesses. The North End is growing and facing complex challenges around affordability, accessibility and connection.

I think it’s important to dream big, to never settle for less, and to look around the world for good ideas and inspiration. 

I’m running for the Halifax Regional Council because I worry that our most difficult challenges aren't being met with the seriousness they deserve. While our beautiful city boasts an unparalleled quality of life, many are struggling. To shift us towards a more equitable and sustainable tomorrow, we need bold, progressive ideas at the table. 

Over the years, I’ve seen municipal decision-making bogged down by unproductive discussion and a need for perfection. We’ve seen pessimistic 'not possible here' attitudes lead us astray from creative ways to address our many challenges. We've also seen short-sighted strategic planning for our city that pinches pennies today but costs us millions in the future. 

In response, we need community leaders who aren’t afraid to proactively address our challenges before they become crises. 

My first “splash” in Halifax politics was the Jump In project. Identifying a need for better access to our ocean - I created a campaign for urban swimming opportunities and in the process shifted our perspectives on the water quality of the Halifax harbour.

People said it wouldn't work and nobody would show up. 

Undeterred, I knew that with a bit of ambition, planning, and community building this project would succeed. 

And then 200+ people showed up for the inaugural Big Jump event in 2017!

Since then, I’ve been a steadfast community builder, working broadly across the local environmental and arts sectors. My experiences have shown me how municipal decisions have major impacts on our day-to-day lives. They've also shown me that greater community participation can improve decision-making.